Internship Program

Our internship program provides emerging filmmakers and students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a full-service production studio. We provide access and networking with our creative collaborators, experts, and tools. In addition to their crafted creative opportunities, interns may have multiple opportunities to garner on-set film/photo productions on location or in studio and work with other professional creatives. Our goal is to give aspiring creatives more opportunities to explore careers in the film, photography and creative industry. We are mindful and intentional to especially support people of color, womxn, local artists, underrepresented and marginalized groups. 

We're excited to have you join our crew.

When do you offer internships?

We offer our internship program on a quarterly-based schedule for the following seasons: Winter (Jan-March), Spring (April-June), Summer (July-Sept) and Fall (Oct-Dec).

Paid or unpaid? On-site, hybrid or remote?

All of our internships are paid. We cannot offer college credit at this moment in time.

Currently, our internships are fully remote with key in-person studio or location projects and potentially on-set or field experience.

What are examples of opportunities given during an internship?

We craft each internship unique to the individual's passions and interests. Opportunities range from a variety of projects including: photography, video, camera operating, lighting, editing, motion graphics, animation, retouching, design, and more.

What are your expectations of interns?

This internship is what you make of it. We expect our interns to be engaged, have questions, be prepared and be able to collaborate with other individuals.

Ideally, our interns are kind, respectful, inclusive and are instrinsically motivated.